Legal and IT translations

Articles on translation, law, and IT

en anglais comme en français

How Much Does Legal Translation Cost?

published by Gwendoline Clavé on

Translation » Business Legal Translation

In France, a legal translation done by a professional translator specializing in law can cost anywhere between €0.15 and €0.30 per word or between €40 and €100 per hour (excl. VAT).

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French only Écrire Sans Exclure: A Comprehensive Training in Gender-Inclusive French

published by Gwendoline Clavé on » updated on

Writing Translation » CPD Inclusivity Specializing

On the French version of this blog, I published an article about Écrire Sans Exclure, Isabelle Meurville’s seven-week training in gender-inclusive French for translators. The next session starts in June 2024 and will be its last.

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Legal Writing Hacks for Lawyers: An Introduction to Plain Language

published by Gwendoline Clavé on » updated on

Law Writing » Contract Drafting CPD Inclusivity Legal Design Plain Language

Last week, I attended Legal Writing Hacks for Lawyers, an online course offered by Hey Plain Jane’s Elizabeth de Stadler and Liezl van Zyl through the University of Cape Town. The e-learning module, followed by two three-hour workshops, were a brilliant introduction to plain language and legal design.

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French only Law and Translation: Easing Entry into the Professional World

published by Gwendoline Clavé on

Law Translation » CPD Education

On the French version of this blog, I published an article about the different ways law and translation students can prepare themselves for the professional world. Before they start their first job or go freelance, they can hone their skills and gain valuable experience.

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French only MA in Translation and Computational Linguistics: An Alum’s Background

published by Gwendoline Clavé on

Translation » Business Education

On the French version of this blog, I published an article based on a talk I gave to a class of MA students in translation and computational linguistics. I had been invited to share my experience with them as an eight-year alum, in large part because of my diverse professional background.

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World Ethical Data Forum 2022: Exploring the Future of Data

published by Gwendoline Clavé on » updated on

IT Law » Data Privacy

On October 26-28, 2022 the World Ethical Data Foundation will host its third online forum. The event will address “the urgent ethical and practical questions around the use and future of data” such as information security, human rights, artificial intelligence, and much more.

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Learning Contract Drafting: Parallels with Translation

published by Gwendoline Clavé on » updated on

Law Translation » Contract Drafting CPD Education

When it comes to contract drafting and negotiation, many attorneys deplore a disconnect between legal education and the needs of their profession. Without calling into question the necessity of theoretical knowledge, they feel that students aren’t sufficiently prepared for real-world practice.

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French only From Content Writer to Content Strategist

published by Gwendoline Clavé on

IT Writing » SEO

On the French version of this blog, I published an article about a webinar in which Thomas Meyer (LiveMentor) and Paul Grillet (Thot) shared advice for content writers looking for the next step.

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ContractsCon 2023: The Contracts Conference You Won’t Want to Miss

published by Gwendoline Clavé on » updated on

Law » Contract Drafting Contract Negotiation

Earlier this year, HTC Contract Con set the bar very high for legal conferences. The event was organized by How to Contract, Laura Frederick’s training platform dedicated to contract drafting and negotiation.

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Series of Articles about Online Search

published by Gwendoline Clavé on » updated on

Translation IT » Collaboration Information Search

Earlier this year, I wrote a collaborative series of articles in French with my colleague Jean-Christophe Helary. We wanted to share some tips to help our fellow translators save time when doing research online.

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French only Leverage SEO to Attract Prospects to Your Law Firm’s Blog

published by Gwendoline Clavé on

Law IT » Legal Website SEO

On the French version of this blog, I published an article to help legal professionals understand the concepts behind search engine optimization (SEO) to create a successful blog. The article touches on:

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French only Legal Translation, a Unique Specialization

published by Gwendoline Clavé on

Law Translation » Legal Translation Specializing

On the French version of this blog, I published an article to explain what makes legal translation unique. This specialization connects legal systems across languages, countries, and legal families. Unique challenges make a legal translator’s job interesting, but require specialized knowledge.

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French only Becoming a Legal Translator after the French Baccalauréat

published by Gwendoline Clavé on

Translation » Education Legal Translation

On the French version of this blog, I published an article to present three paths available after the Baccalauréat for French students who want to become legal translators. I wish I had known these paths existed when I was in high school!

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How to Contract 2022 Conference: A Translator’s Thoughts

published by Gwendoline Clavé on » updated on

Law » Contract Drafting Contract Negotiation

As a legal translator specializing in contracts, I’m always eager to learn more about contract drafting, whether in English or in French. To start 2022 off right, I attended “HTC Contract Con,” a legal conference organized on January 13-14 by How to Contract — Laura Frederick’s training platform dedicated to contract drafting and negotiation.

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