Certification in Legal Translation
M.A. in Applied Language
B.A. in English
Accélérateur by TVT Innovation
Small Business Entrepreneur Diploma
IT Law
Intellectual Property
Legal Design and Plain Language
Legal Translation
Copywriting, Content Writing, and SEO
Marketing and communication

Translation, law and IT:
my background

Certification in Legal Translation from English into French (2020)
480-hour online course in law and legal translation via CI3M/Edvenn.
Nationally recognized qualification equivalent to a master’s degree.
- Definition and legal language
- Legal families
- Legal translation methodology
- Legal documentation
Common Law Countries
- Key concepts in the main branches of law
- Common law and equity
- Legal professions
- Jurisdictions
Types of Documents
- Judicial decisions
- Affidavits
- Agreements (sale, rental, employment and licensing agreements, articles of association)
- Deeds (estates, wills, deeds of sale)
International Organizations
- International law
- International commercial law
- International criminal law
- National concepts

M.A. in Applied Language (2014)
M.A. in translation, foreign languages, applied linguistics, and computer science at the University of Toulon, France (Summa cum laude).
Three internships as an English <> French translator and proofreader at two translation agencies specializing in legal documents.
Foreign Languages
- English <> French translation in the fields of law and corporate communication.
- Personal project: translated documents relating to submarines (English <> French).
- German <> French translation (non-specialized).
- Professional communication in English (non-specialized).
- Professional communication in German in the field of tourism.
- Electives: Italian, Russian.
Applied Linguistics
- Natural language processing; corpus linguistics; documentary and information retrieval; terminology; and computer-aided and automated translation.
- Group project: wrote a report on tools for corpus analysis.
Computer Science
- Programming (Python); databases and spreadsheets (PhpMyAdmin, Access, Excel); advanced use of MS Word (formatting and macros); and website creation (HTML and CSS).
- Personal project: designed and programmed a Python computer-assisted translation tool.

B.A. in English (2010)
B.A. in English linguistics, literature, and civilization at the University of Toulouse II, France and Concordia University in Montreal, Canada.
University of Toulouse II
- Translation: literature and news articles, from and into French.
- English: grammar; linguistics, phonetics, and oral communication.
- Commonwealth: the UK, the US, and Canada.
- Classic English literature: novels, plays, and poems.
- Electives: Spanish, website creation (HTML and CSS), mathematics.
Concordia University
- Translation: terminology; literary translation from French into English; scientific translation from English into French; and computer-aided and automated translation.
- Other: 20th century North American literature; Shakespeare; Native American history; and Spanish.

Accélérateur by TVT Innovation (2017)
Took part in a startup coaching program offered by TVT and Startup Palace in Toulon, France with Immotopic/Deep Flow Realty.
- Business model
- Value proposition
- Market knowledge
- Environment and competition
- Pitching
- Innovating within constraints
- Pre-MVP & MVP
- Selling
- Communication strategy
- Financial management

Small Business Entrepreneur Diploma (2018)
Diploma in project management at CNAM Marseille, France.
- Accounting
- Business intelligence
- Line management
- Marketing & communication
- Personal development
- Project management
- Skills management

Contract Drafting and Negotiation
- Books
- Essential Contract Drafting Skills: A Practical Guide, by Tiffany Kemp (2022)
- For the Forces of Good: The Superpower of Everyday Negotiation, by S. Lucia Kanter St. Amour (2023)
- Sign Here: The Enterprise Guide to Closing Contracts Quickly, by Alex Hamilton (2023)
- Conferences
- Contract Blind Spots: Practical Training on Niche Concepts and Provisions, by How To Contract (2023)
- ContractsCon, by How To Contract (2023, 2024)
- HTC Contract Con, by How To Contract (2022)
- Les négociations contractuelles : regards pratiques et théoriques, by ATGC (2018)
- Law for Non-Lawyers, week 1 dedicated to contracts, Monash University via FutureLearn (2018)
- Rédaction de contrats, University of Geneva via Coursera (2018)
- Workshop
- La checklist juridique du tradupreneur : Les contrats, by Alix Lacombe via Tradupreneurs (2024)

Information Technology Law
- Conferences
- Droit du numérique : smart cities, intelligence artificielle & blockchain, by AFDIT (2016)
- Le droit face aux défis de la sécurité informatique, by AFDIT (2018)
- Les droits de l’internaute — point de situation, by AFDIT (2021)
- Les entretiens Portalis : droit et numérique, by EDA Sud Est (2018)
- Les technologies et le droit face aux évolutions du monde, by Cyberlex (2022)
- Privacy Research Day, by CNIL (2023)
- Protection des données personnelles et Sécurité nationale : quelles garanties juridiques dans l’utilisation du numérique ? by UMR DICE (2015)
- World Ethical Data Forum (2022)
- Understanding the GDPR, University of Groningen via FutureLearn (2018)
- Webinars
- Identifier et agir contre les auteurs de contenus préjudiciables en ligne, by SIMON Associés (2023)
- Many webinars on the General Data Protection Regulation (in French and English)
- Sobriété numérique : illusion ou nécéssité ?, by HAAS Avocats (2022)
- Tackling Dark Patterns & Online Manipulation in 2024, by Luiza Jarovsky (2024)
- The ecological costs of neural machine translation, by Matt Riemland via FIT Europe (2024)

Intellectual Property
- Conferences
- La place de la Cour d’appel de Paris dans le droit de la propriété intellectuelle, by AFDIT (2018)
- Propriété intellectuelle et numérique : nouvelles questions, nouveaux enjeux, by AFDIT (2019)
- Protection, défense et valorisation des innovations et des créations, via TVT Innovation (2016)
- Law for Non-Lawyers, week 4 dedicated to IP, Monash University via FutureLearn (2018)
- Webinars
- Intellectual Property for Translators, via eCPD (2018)
- Video Games, Law, and Localization (US Version) — AMA with Brandon J. Huffman, by IGDA LocSIG (2023)
- Workshop
- Rencontre Export Se protéger à l’international : marques, logos, contrats distributeurs…, via IRCE Aix-en-Provence (2022)

Legal Design and Plain Language
- Book
- Plain English for Lawyers, by Richard C. Wydick (2019)
- Conference
- Rendez-vous des transformations du droit, by Village de la Justice and Open Law, le Droit Ouvert (2023)
- Community
- Ma Communauté Legal Design by D-co-D and Iloh (since January 2024)
Co-hosted a discussion on plain language and style guides
- Online course
- Information Design Summer School by IDDD International Institute for Information Design (2024)
- Plain language writing skills for lawyers, by Hey Plain Jane (2024)
- Webinars
- Many webinars on plain language and legal design (in French and English)
- Workshops
- Défi legal design de contrats, by D-co-D (2024)
- Dominoes: ordering sentences in a reader-friendly way, by Maria Sherwood-Smith via MET (2024)
- Legal design de contrats, by Lexclair (2024)
- Legal Writing Hacks for Lawyers, by Hey Plain Jane (2022)
- Revamp Your Contracts With Visuals, by Legal Creatives (2022)

Legal Translation
- Book
- Guide pratique de la traduction juridique anglais/français, by Frédéric Houbert (2014)
- Conferences
- 16e Institut de jurilinguistique — Tribunaux et traduction, by Centre Paul-André Crépeau (2023)
- IA et multilinguisme juridique européen, by Université Catholique de Lille (2023)
- Community
- Club de révision juridique, legal translation club (since January 2022)
- Webinars
- A Systematic Approach to Translating Contracts into English, by Rob Lunn via eCPD (2018)
- Contracts and Contract Formation for Legal Translators, by David Hutchins via eCPD (2018)
- English Legal System for Legal Interpreters and Translators, by David Hutchins via eCPD (2018)
- Specialising in Legal Translation, by Andrew Leigh via eCPD (2018)
- The Perils of Translating International Contracts, by Ken Adams via eCPD (2018)
- Workshop
- La traduction des contrats : conventions de rédaction et précision rédactionnelle, by Véronique Sauron via SFT (2018)

Copywriting, Content Writing, and SEO
- Books
- Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content, by Ann Handley (2022)
- Réussir son référencement web: Stratégies et techniques SEO, by Olivier Andrieu (2023)
- So You Think You Can Write?: The Definitive Guide to Successful Online Writing, by Julia McCoy (2021)
- Conferences
- BrightonSEO Oct (2022) — Selected talks
- Festival web de la création de contenu, via Alexandra Martel (2022)
- Online courses
- Copywriting for Your Business and for Your Clients, by Madalena Zampaulo via Training for Translators (2020)
- Dans la jungle du style — 7 lois qui expliquent pourquoi « ça sonne mieux », by Mélodie Benoit-Lamarre via Magistrad (2023)
- Écrire sans Exclure, by Isabelle Meurville (2022)
- Rédaction web et SEO, via Comptoir des Rédacteurs (2021)
- Webinars
- Passer au niveau supérieur en tant que rédacteur web, by Paul Grillet et Thomas Meyer (2022)
- Successful Copywriting, via eCPD (2018)

Marketing and Communication
- Books
- The Culture Map, by Erin Meyer (2023)
- The Online Presence Roadmap: A Practical Guide to Confident Online Marketing for Translators and Interpreters, by Madalena Zampaulo (2023)
- Conferences
- Détecter les opportunités de son marché grâce au marketing, via CCI Var (2016)
- Développer la notoriété de son entreprise, via CCI Toulon (2016)
- Développez vos ventes aux Etats-Unis, via TVT Innovation (2016)
- Online courses
- Email Marketing certification, via Hubspot (2020)
- Squeak to Roar: The Direct-Client Marketing System for Translators Who Hate Marketing (with a Passion), by Joachim Lépine via LION Translation Academy (2024)
- Translator & Interpreter Website Blueprint Course, by Madalena Zampaulo (2018)
- Vendre et promouvoir ses services de traduction, by Gaële Gagné via CI3M/Edvenn (2021)

- Conferences
- BeWord, by the Belgian Chamber of Translators and Interpreters (2023)
- Femmes et numérique : pratiques égalitaires, dispositifs inclusifs, by Isabelle Collet via Université de Technologie de Compiègne (2023)
- Online courses
- Augmenter son efficacité dans les tâches entourant l’acte de traduire, by Mélodie Benoit-Lamarre via Magistrad (2023)
- Course in subtitling, via Mintt (2017)
- Webinar
- Closing the Gender Pay Gap: Negotiation Strategies for Women by Women, via Tech Up for Women (2023)
- Workshop
- PHP Intermédiaire : Programmation Orientée Objet, PDO, via Dawan (2017)